手部健康:我們實驗室的 11 項快樂手部策略

The current necessity to over-wash hands, is likely taking a toll, and, like many, your hands are probably dry, irritated and sore as a result. Natural emollients to the rescue! As part of our 4 part wellness series, our application chemists have assembled 11 strategies you can employ to help re-find your hand happiness– all […]

Dry hands? To help curb the spread of COVID-19 people are handwashing and sanitizing more frequently. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and applying alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Countless PSA TV spots and online reminders are keeping those recommendations top […]

What “Sustainable Production” means and why it matters when growing naturals for the beauty industry Sustainable. Green. Natural. All consumer buzz-words and drivers for beauty product positioning and differentiation. And, yet, all of these terms are not actually all that well defined in the marketplace. What is Sustainable? The word “sustainable” for instance means very […]

推動天然產品需求的趨勢 開發滿足不斷變化的消費者需求的新產品可能是一項挑戰。當今的消費者越來越多地轉向個人護理產品,這些產品優先考慮天然成分而不是合成成分,作為更大的清潔美容健康意識的一部分。天然物質被認為是更健康的選擇,通常具有積極的功效聲明[…]
天然潤膚劑 vs 合成潤膚劑?

Using naturals over synthetics is a noble cause but do they work as well? Consumers today are pushing naturals and clean beauty hard and are increasingly driving demand for natural alternatives to synthetics in beauty products they use. Even so, GCI reported that according to a recent The Benchmarking Company sustainability study of female consumers, 78% […]

草種輪作 1985 年,俄勒岡州的一小群草種農民研究了各種輪作作物,這些作物可以提供可持續、長期的土壤健康並維持草類作物的品質。透過這項調查,一種效果良好的輪作作物是白芒花。這種美麗的植物開出花朵,其種子含有天然油。這 […]
潮流腕錶 – 運動休閒

Selecting personal care formulations that fit well into an active lifestyle Efficiency. A requirement at almost every corner of modern life. And, it turns out, also a growing requirement in the development of beauty product applications. A clear example of this is in the development of “Athleisure” beauty products. Athleisure defined These can be defined as […]