Hello Lipstick…보고 싶었어요!

립스틱을 기억하시나요? 우리도. 얘야, 우리가 그걸 놓쳤나? 그리고 분명히 우리는 혼자가 아닙니다. 온라인 립스틱 검색 급증 코로나19로 인해 입술 화장품이 크게 부진한 후 HAPPI는 Trendalytics에 따르면 롱웨어 립스틱에 대한 검색이 전년 동기 대비 1,135% 증가했으며 쉬머 립글로스는 889% 증가했다고 보고했습니다! 그것은 업계와 립스틱에 좋은 소식입니다 [...]
Trend Watch: 워터리스 뷰티 포뮬레이션을 수용해야 하는 6가지 이유

A top trend for 2021 Popular in, and inspired by, Korean Beauty regimens, waterless beauty products have emerged as a truly global trend. Along with sustainability impacts, global clean water availability concerns and improved product efficacy, there are many reasons savvy consumers are embracing the waterless beauty movement. Let’s take a look at a few […]
트렌드 워치: 모든 연령대의 웰에이징

A $1.083 Billion Global Market According to the Global Wellness Institute, personal care and anti-aging accounts for a $1.083 billion market in today’s global wellness economy. In addition, Spate reports that there has been a 26.9% rise in “self-care” searches online in the US for the year-ending Nov 2020. “Well-aging” over “Anti-aging” Wellness, well-aging, and self-care have clearly […]
모발, 두피 및 수염 건강을 위한 10가지 처방

We’re all feeling the heightened importance of wellness and self-care these days. Hair and beard care and “scalpcare-as-skincare” are all red-hot trends right now and gaining more attention with an increasing number of products supporting this movement to happier heads! Natural emollients to the rescue! In this blog, as part of our FIELD GOOD Wellness Guide Series, […]
Trend Watch: 건강한 모발과 두피

Scalp care as skin care has emerged as a top hair trend in personal care. Skincare Experts Turning to Hair/Scalp Care In fact, Allure Magazine considers it in the top five beauty trends for 2020 stating that”healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp”. In July, Elle magazine published “Skincare for your scalp is going to […]
트렌드 워치: Zoom-Ready

This year online meetings are the “new normal” for many of our daily personal and professional interactions. In fact, one leading online meeting platform, Zoom, grew from about 10 million daily meeting participants in December 2019 to over 300 million by April of this year (Source: Zoom). As we all acclimatize to this remote mode […]
Trend Watch: 남성용 그루밍

The global men’s grooming market was estimated to top 50 billion U.S. dollars in 2017. By 2024, that figure is estimated to reach an impressive 81.2 Billion U.S. dollars, according to Statista. Extending well beyond traditional men’s shaving products, men are increasingly investing in skin care, hair care, wellness and men’s makeup products. To keep […]
얼굴 피부 건강을 위한 17가지 포뮬레이션

Between mask-wearing, seasonal and environmental stresses, and regular day-to-day COVID-living, the skin on our faces is going through a lot right now. Facial skin wellness has renewed priority and we can help! Natural emollients to the rescue! As part of our 4 part wellness series, our application chemists have assembled 17 formulations you can employ […]
입술 건강을 위한 셀프 케어 제형

Caring for lips includes exfoliating, moisturization and protection to make sure lips look and feel their lovely best. Natural emollients to the rescue! As part of our 4 part FIELD GOOD Wellness Series, chemists from the Natural Plant Products Applications Lab have assembled self care formulations for lips using the Meadowfoam Seed Oil and Daikon […]
여름에 대비한 11가지 스킨 웰니스 전략

Getting skin ready for summer includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and protection to make sure skin looks and feels its best. Natural emollients to the rescue! As part of our 4 part wellness series, our application chemists have assembled 11 strategies you can employ to help get skin ready for summer– all leveraging guide formulations, direct […]